The Original Tehachapi Apple Book

Do you live in Tehachapi or are you a Tehachapi oldtimer*? Request a form to submit a recipe using apples!

6 + 6 =

By return email, we’ll send information about how to submit a recipe for the next edition and the Tehachapi Apple Book website. *A Tehachapi oldtimer is someone who has lived in Tehachapi 40 years — or lived in Tehachapi 40 years ago (or more).

Your privacy matters!

We will never sell your contact information and will use it only for matters related to The Original Tehachapi Apple Book. If you receive email from us, you can easily “unsubscribe” at any time by clicking a button at the bottom of the email.

Call & we'll mail you a form

If you can’t or don’t want to use email, call us toll-free at 1-877-240-8350 and we’ll mail you a recipe submission form.